o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? ..1992? o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? 20+.. i dont put too much attention on those little thingies.. o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? nothing, it sucks o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? yes.. Desoto and Danzig o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? dunno.. looks nice evri now and then o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? nopes, but are a nice little change.. o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? NO!.. most of AL! collys and 50% of the rest.. ARCLITE REWLS!:) I should join it:)) o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? Not usually.. I usually dont answer any request:) hehe. Im lazy nowadays! o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? no 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? yes.. 80% are plain crap! 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? Hey, daddy bought me a PENTIUm, i want to make lokos! jee!(LAME) 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? haha.. it would have to be released from someone from the top of the scene.. not from the bottom as usual, then it might work.. 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? old-skool is nicer.. kinda more quality on those logos.. 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? ..NO.. Or maybe a Coop with slaver, or the one guy from oz.. cant remember his handle.. er.. someone from ,.... He atleast was in whale some time ago.. haha, i cant remember! 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? boozing:), coding, screwing around.. dunno. 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? no.. But I have one tRAiTOR, and one GRiMLOCK _____________________ (\_________)(_____________l|_______________________)! l